Model Community News

Pornhub Update

Pornhub Community Update

By Pornhub | August 08, 2022 | 1 min

From day one, MindGeek and all of its platforms, including Pornhub, have never tolerated CSAM or any other illegal material. It is against our stated terms and conditions, it is against our values, and it is against our commitment to ensuring the safest possible online experience for our users.

Recently, allegations have been made that MindGeek knowingly allowed and monetized CSAM. These assertions are reckless and, more importantly, absolutely false. In many cases, these falsehoods have been propagated by groups whose stated agenda is to shut down the adult entertainment industry.

The fight against CSAM on the internet must be led by facts and statistics. The reality is that MindGeek has enacted the most comprehensive safeguards in user-generated platform history. Among many other policies, we have banned uploads from anyone who has not submitted government-issued ID that passes third-party verification, eliminated the ability to download free content, integrated several leading technological platform and content moderation tools, and instituted digital fingerprinting of all videos found to be in violation of our Non-Consensual Content and CSAM Policies to help protect against removed videos being reposted.

The statistics unequivocally demonstrate that our policies are effective. NCMEC reported earlier this year that Pornhub reported fewer incidents of CSAM and removed cases of CSAM in the shortest amount of time after being notified among all major platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.

Despite today’s suspension of payment acceptance for our advertising platform, we are extremely confident in our policies and the fact that we have instituted trust and safety measures that far surpass those of any other major platform on the internet.

At this point in the lawsuit, the court has not yet ruled on the veracity of any allegations, and is required to assume all of the plaintiff’s allegations are true and accurate. When the court can actually consider the facts, we are confident the plaintiff’s claims will be dismissed for lack of merit.

