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You can leave your hat on

Hello My Darlings!
So I thought I was going to blog everyday... that lasted two days. So now I am going to blog whenever a damn please.
I am single again, after almost of dating. We ended on a good note and we are still friends. So... I had a little something something...after we broke up.
OK, so I went to third base with a white guy. I specify his ethnicity because it was the first white guy I have ever done something with besides kissing...
It was very nice, we gave each other tantric massages. He was bad at it... He tried poor thing, but for my next lover/boyfriend/fling I need someone that knows what to do with a woman's body for fucks sake! I say it was nice because he was cute and had a nice body and I enjoyed massaging him a lot!
So I'm now listening to lost of Arcana... stumbled on them with the help of Jango and then Youtube. They make me want to bellydance! Here is a fine picture of what my costume would look like:

Video of the day: Stunning Babe at her Photo Shoot
PornStars: Shione Cooper & Tyler Torro
Shione is the sexiest cutest thang ever!!! And Mr. Torro! OMG, I love how he just bangs her with so much intensity! YES!
Thought of the day: I need to wear my make up everyday, I think I look better.
Word of the day: Diet
di·et 1 (dt)
1. The usual food and drink of a person or animal.
2. A regulated selection of foods, as for medical reasons or cosmetic weight loss.
3. Something used, enjoyed, or provided regularly: subsisted on a diet of detective novels during his vacation.
I chose this word because that is what I am doing right now to become even more sexy... I just don't know what to do with myself! hahaha! Kidding!
Music I'm listening to:
Artist: Arcana
Title: Serpents Dance
Album: Le Serpent Rouge
Quote of the day: We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.
+Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007), Mother Night
Good Day Kittens!
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The Dark Night of the Soul

So a thought occurred to me today, I have never picked up a guy from a bar. Put it on my list of things to do before I die.
I guess being a woman it must be easier. I have no tactic, I think I would just observe, find someone I like, dance, have a drink, kiss them while dancing a bit and then ask if they want to go home with me. Would it work?
I think so.
So I did some research, and reading this article about picking up guys in a bar, to the right corner I see two huge ads for vibrators... mmm... thank you for making me feel desperate.
Anywho, all suggestions are welcome, hahahaha!!!!!

Here is a picture of Samantha Jones from Sex and the City, she would know how to pick up a guy. This lady inspires me to be aggressive!
Video of the day: Fetish Bitch Takes Control
Cathy Heaven is an angel here! Plus if someone could tell me the name of the soundtrack, that would be awesome!!!
Thought of the day: I want to eat Emma Watson out, just imagined it today while I was masturbating and it got me off.
Word of the day: Penis
pe·nis (pns)
n. pl. pe·nis·es or pe·nes (-nz)
1. The male organ of copulation in higher vertebrates, homologous with the clitoris. In mammals, it also serves as the male organ of urinary excretion.
2. Any of various copulatory organs in males of lower animals.
I chose this word because I need it, I need a guy with a nice penis to fuck me.
Quote of the Day: I'm too shy to express my sexual needs except over the phone to people I don't know. -Garry Shandling (1949 - )
Good Day Kittens!
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Too much time on my hands, so I get horny.

Well since now I am a freelance Production Assistant, I have way too much time in my hands when I am not working... so... I am watching porn first thing in the morning. This has to staph!!!
Planning on getting a lover/friend with benefits... ideas?
Also planning to blog on PornHub from now, even if no one reads it, will give me something to do with my hands. I am starting to get carpal tunnel from all the masturbating.
Video of the day: Cecilia Vega - Ma Nuit Chez Eve
Best threesome on PornHub!
Thought of the day: I like the way I applied Feng Shui to my apartment.
Word of the day: Clutter
clut·ter (kltr)
1. A confused or disordered state or collection; a jumble: sorted through the clutter in the attic.
2. A confused noise; a clatter.
v. clut·tered, clut·ter·ing, clut·ters
1. To fill or spread over in a disorderly manner: Boxes cluttered the garage.
2. To make disorderly or hard to use by filling or covering with objects: I cluttered up my desk with old memos.
1. To run or move with bustle and confusion.
2. To make a clatter.
[Probably from Middle English cloteren, to clot, from clot, lump, from Old English clott.]

I chose that word because clutter is exactly what I am getting rid of in my entire house. Get rid of the old, so the new can come in.

Quote of the Day: I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty. -George Burns (1896 - 1996)
Good day kittens!
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